Recipe ingredients
• 3 glasses of whipped cream
• 2 glasses of oil seed oil
• 1 glass of sugar
• ½ glass of semolina
• 2-3 vanilla
• lemon zest
• 1 sachet of baking powder
• 2 tbsp. soda
• Flour for all uses as long as the dough is tight
• 1 glass of orange juice
• 2 tbl. cinnamon and cloves
For the syrup
• 2 glasses of peppers
• 1 glass of water
For traditional Christmas sweets with pezyme, we work on oil, petimez and sugar. In the above mixture pour all the ingredients except flour, soda, baking powder and orange. Mix the soda, baking powder and orange together and pour them into the ingredients. Add the flour until the dough becomes soft and easy to mold. Place the melomakarona on the plate and lay it on a sheet of paper with paper. Pettimenas want a little baking, at 170oC for 20, to be soft and when we make them burst to add the syrup. The syrup will boil for 5 minutes. Serve cold petimed with syrup hot. After they are sifted, put a grated nut.