Baked pork with orange and petimezi icing

For pork

  •     1,200gr. pork leg with a little fat, no bone *
  •     1 large orange, sliced
  •     1 sliced ​​lemon
  •     2 heads of garlic cut in half
  •     8 sprigs of fresh rosemary
  •     8 sprigs of fresh thyme
  •     6 tbsp. tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  •     1 cup water
  •     salt, freshly ground pepper

For the icing

  •     8 tbsp. petimezi soup
  •     3 tbsp. spicy mustard soup

For the sauce

  •     200ml broth
  •     2 tbsp. petimezi soup
  •     ½ κουτ. tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  •     salt, freshly ground pepper

For the icing: Mix the ingredients in a bowl and set aside.

Preheat the oven to 200oC. Place the slices of orange and lemon in a pan lined with non-stick baking paper, more in the center. Put the garlic between the slices, scatter the spices and keep them aside.

Drizzle the meat with 3 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil, season with salt and pepper, rub gently and place in the center of the pan. Drizzle with the remaining olive oil, water and bake for 20 minutes.

Remove the pan from the oven, spread the meat with icing and put it back in the oven for another 20 minutes. Repeat every 15-20 minutes, until the meat is cooked, in about 2 hours. During this time, check if other liquids are needed and fill in accordingly.

Remove the meat from the pan and keep it warm, covering it with foil. Remove the garlic, herbs and squeeze the citrus fruits to make their juices.

Strain the juice from the pan into a pan, scraping any fat left in the pan, add the broth, petimezi, vinegar, salt (if needed), pepper and simmer over medium heat for a few minutes, until the sauce is half full. . Remove from the heat.

To serve, discard the string from the meat, put it on a plate, put the garlic and spices around and pour over the sauce.


You ask your butcher to tie your meat for a more beautiful result.

The meat should be at room temperature, not out of the fridge when you start cooking. As soon as you wash the meat, wipe it very well with a paper towel and then oil it and season with salt and pepper.